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Blue Star Memorial

Sawyer Common at Hollis St. & Martins Pond Rd.

Blue Star Memorial

Located on Sawyer Common, this memorial is a part of an initiative by the National Garden Clubs, Inc.  The Blue Star program began in 1945, initially to honor men and women serving in the Armed Forces during WWII.  The Blue Star now serves as a memorial to all who have or will serve.  


In 2010 the Groton Garden Club began its participation in this program and the garden was formally dedicated in 2011.


Green wreaths with red bows are placed on all the Memorial Stones at the Sawyer Common during December and January.  The garden is maintained year-round. 

Plant List

Plant list coming soon...

A solemn Blue Star Memorial By-Way marker is mounted on a large stone, surrounded by a well-maintained mulch bed. The plaque, dedicated by the Groton Garden Club in 2011, honors the Armed Forces of America. A festive wreath with a bright red bow is placed at the base of the stone, flanked by two small American flags on either side, adding a patriotic touch to the scene. The setting is peaceful, with the stone and its decorations standing as a respectful tribute to the sacrifices made by military personnel.

“A garden is evidence of faith. It links us with all the misty figures of the past who also planted and were nourished by the fruits of their planting.”

- Gladys Taber

Blue Star Memorial Gallery

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